News and Announcements

HYBSA Umpires Clinic - RSVP Required

Posted by HYBSA at Apr 10, 2021 6:57AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

I hope everyone is well. HYBSA Spring seasons will begin on or about Monday 4/26 and Jim McGuinness, our umpire coordinator has scheduled a clinic for Sunday 4/18 at 2pm at Flagg Field. For those who can’t make that date, a second option is to attend his clinic is at Dacey Field in Franklin at 2pm on Saturday 4/17. This is a great opportunity for part time work for boys and girls 7th grade and older. All attendees should RSVP by Friday 4/16 via the attached link. The spreadsheet is also an opportunity to transition the line of communication from the parent to the potential umpire.

In order to be considered, you must attend one of these clinics. Existing umpires are expected to attend as a refresher.

Spring 2021 registration is closed

Posted by HYBSA at Mar 1, 2021 8:06AM PST ( 0 Comments )

Please contact Brian McDonald at to inquire if space is still available in your child’s division.

Registration Closing on 2/28

Posted by HYBSA at Feb 22, 2021 6:38AM PST ( 0 Comments )

Folks, please be advised that registration closes at midnight on 2/28/21. It may seem early to some but we need sufficient time to order uniforms and equipment, secure volunteers, develop teams and schedules, etc. Registration requests after 2/28/21 should be sent to HYBSA’s goal is to allow every child who wants to play baseball or softball the opportunity to do so, but decisions to allow late registration will be made on a case by case basis taking into account roster sizes and the availability of uniforms fort that particular age group.

As we head into 2021, Covid-19 continues to impact our approach. The good news is that we developed and implemented sound practices last summer and fall that kept kids safe while providing the kids a positive experience and we will implement similar practices this spring. The bad news is that the March indoor clinics are not an option and our parade / carnival is once again cancelled. That said, as soon as the town fields are opened, we will begin scheduling practices and games will begin in late April. In the meantime, do your best to get your sons and daughters out there playing catch and when you can taking some swings.

People have begun inquiring about which day(s) and times of the week their age groups will be playing. We don’t expect things to be drastically different than years past, but the town is receiving some additional requests given disruptions earlier this year and they have yet to allocate fields to any youth sports for the spring. As always, we will be working with other sports to eliminate conflicts by age group to the extent possible and as soon as we have some clarity, we will get that information out to you. We recognize that most families are managing several moving parts.

We will be back in touch once more information is available. Please spread the word about registration closing to your friends and neighbors.

2021 Registration is Open

Posted by HYBSA at Nov 12, 2020 6:45AM PST ( 0 Comments )

It’s that time of year again to register for Holliston Youth Baseball and Softball for the spring 2021 season! HYBSA provides opportunities for all Holliston boys and girls from currently enrolled in Kindergarten through 8th grade to participate in baseball and softball programs. The spring season, which typically commences with indoor clinics in March (subject to adjustment due to Covid), starts outdoors sometime in April (depending upon condition of the fields) and continues through approximately the end of the school year, is grade-based and intended to be instructional. Click on the REGISTRATION tab (above in the header bar) to learn more and register your child.

Registration is Open

Posted by HYBSA at Aug 18, 2020 6:48PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Please find the attached program descriptions for fall baseball and softball with the registration links embedded in them. We delayed the opening of registration purposely while awaiting any changes in state protocols. While we remain in Phase 3, baseball and softball games can be played safely as proven by summer seasons. That said, there is a quick turnaround for registration and with many families holding credits from the spring season, registration is unorthodox.

If you complete the attached link(s), it represents a full commitment to playing even though we are not asking for immediate payment. Instead, we will rectify balances on a case by case basis with families. Credits will posted where they should be and where payments are due, we will require manual payment as the season approaches.

Assuming we stay in our current posture and can play, softball formats are well established but baseball formats will depend on registration numbers. Where we have enough players to run an in-house league we will. Otherwise, we will partner with neighboring towns. The in-house options obviously give us more flexibility around scheduling but either way we will do our best to work around other town sports with the disclaimer that there isn’t always a way to do so perfectly. Let’s hope Covid numbers decrease going forward and we can get kids out on the field in a fun but safe setting.


Click below to learn more and register

Fall Baseball

Fall Softball

Brian McDonald