
HYBSA Mask Policy Update

Posted by HYBSA on May 18 2021 at 09:54AM PDT


As we know, the issue of mask wearing is personal to many and there are a wide range of personal opinions about best practices related to personal safety during the pandemic. More specific to HYBSA, we’ve had a great deal of communication with families trying to make the decision that is best for their families this past year. Admittedly, with the news yesterday HYBSA was hesitant to change its approach around mask wearing but with other youth groups aligning with the state order, including the MIAA, HYBSA will do the same. Since this ordeal started, we have aligned our approach with guidance from the state and will continue to do so now. That said, HYBSA fully supports any players individual decision to wear a mask, recognizing that the elimination of a state mandate does not override individual decision making. Also, if a HYBSA team is playing a team from another town, HYBSA players need to have a mask with them in case an issue emerges where youth organizations have different requirements. In these instances, coaches will work together to arrive at a reasonable resolution that satisfies the requirements of both leagues. Otherwise, the language below accurately summarizes the guidance provided by the Governor and the EEC that went into effect today and HYBSA is adopting it:

For all youth sports, facial coverings are no longer required for youths 18 and under. This includes on the field, in the dugout, in huddles and in conferences. Coaches need to continue to wear facial coverings when they cannot consistently maintain social distancing. This means in huddles, in the dugout and during conferences. They will not need to wear them in the coaches’ boxes as long as they stay 6 feet from the players or wear their facial covering.



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